(All are conceptual projects. Note: I will be posting more images once I get them from Mimi’s archive.)
The Goddess Mound, 1985
The Goddess Mound was designed by Cristina Biaggi. Mimi provided some architectural details and arranged for architectural drawings to be made. Published in Antiquity and The Once and Future Goddess. Exhibited at SOHO 20 Gallery and Thorpe Intermedia Gallery.
See http://cristinabiaggi.com/about-the-author/the-goddess-and-the-goddess-mound/
Waterside Labyrinth, New York, 1978
Proposal for a full scale replica of the Chartres Labyrinth in the plaza at Waterside. Presented to and accepted by Doris Friedman and Davis Brody, Architects.
Arcosanti Labyrinth, Arcosanti, AZ, 1977
Proposal invited by Karin Bacon for a participatory art event to recreate a stone Cretan-style labyrinth.
The Goddess Temple, Rocky Mountains, CO, 1975
An architectural celebration of the feminine principle. In collaboration with Jan Clanton. Published in Women in American Architecture, Unbuilt America, Heresies, Chrysalis, Sorciéres, East West Journal. Exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum, SOHO 20 Gallery, and other shows.

The Vastu Purusha House, East coast seashore, USA, 1974
Design for a retreat based on Kundalini yoga. Published in Progressive Architecture, Ear Magazine, and The Catalog of Sexual Consciousness. Exhibited at the Urban Center in New York and Pratt Institute.